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The Show with John Madsen

Aug 21, 2023

In this episode, John talks about self-belief and taking control of your destiny. John discusses four key aspects: defining a clear self-identity, leaving the past behind, disregarding external opinions, and building evidence to support your self-opinion. 

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Aug 14, 2023

In this episode, John discusses the minimum effective dose approach where you train with an intense but sustainable focus on strength. He emphasizes lifelong commitment over short-term goals and aligning your fitness approach with your busy life in order to achieve elite results without unnecessary pain.

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Aug 7, 2023

In this episode, John challenges the idea of willpower being the key to success. He argues that your "why" power, the deep-rooted desires for greatness and achievement, is far more potent. He urges you to embrace your true ambitions unapologetically and let your innate hunger drive you to unparalleled success.
